The Design and Feasibility of an Autonomous Livestock Handling and Monitoring Device Using Modern Object Tracking Technology

McCowen, Andrew (2018) The Design and Feasibility of an Autonomous Livestock Handling and Monitoring Device Using Modern Object Tracking Technology. [USQ Project]


As the global population skyrockets (surpassing 7 billion in 2012), sustainable and precise primary production becomes vital to the improvement of worldwide quality of life. But whilst countless advancements in the fields of arable farming and horticulture ensure that these industries remain economically and environmentally viable, pastoral agriculture and animal science are often overlooked. This research seeks to lay the groundwork for the coupling of automation and pastoral agriculture, and push the standard beyond simple data collection and monitoring applications in this sector. The strengths and limitations of image processing as a tool for automation were assessed using Processing, a simplistic graphics arts program, and pre-recorded footage of cattle being processed at SRS New England Pty. Ltd., the research industry link. An algorithm, which was able to distinguish between black, grey, red, ’custard’ and brindle cattle with an overall accuracy of 88.61% was developed. From this, a product which coupled machine vision with other mechatronic systems was conceptualised. A Design to Value methodology was adopted; as such, a Cost Benefit Analysis was a crucial step in the design process also. It was theorized that the product could be constructed for approximately $7625 AUD, and could be sold for a minimum of $8769 AUD. Assessments of the current market for agricultural machinery, coupled with feedback from industry links, suggested that this was a viable price on an upfront cost for long term benefit basis. The product was modelled using Computer Aided Design programs, which consequently formed part of a Design Proposal. The research objectives were achieved; it was found that, using simplistic methods and basic image processing technology, an autonomous animal handling device could be developed for approximately $7625.00 AUD.

Statistics for USQ ePrint 40756
Statistics for this ePrint Item
Item Type: USQ Project
Item Status: Live Archive
Faculty/School / Institute/Centre: Historic - Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences - School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (1 Jul 2013 - 31 Dec 2021)
Supervisors: Low, Tobias
Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)
Date Deposited: 05 Sep 2022 03:58
Last Modified: 29 Jun 2023 01:55
Uncontrolled Keywords: livestock handling; tracking technology; monitoring

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