NSW Control Network: User Errors vs Network Errors Using CORSNet New South Wales

Nichol, Matthew (2017) NSW Control Network: User Errors vs Network Errors Using CORSNet New South Wales. [USQ Project]


This dissertation has made comparisons between the published coordinate values available through the Survey Control Information Management System (SCIMS) and data collected using the CORSnet New South Wales GNSS infrastructure. The aim of the comparisons was to determine if the errors associated with the coordinate values available through SCIMS are intrinsic to the survey control mark network or are they generated by the user as a result of poor methodology and equipment selection. This was completed with the goal of creating a better understanding of the errors associated with the CORSnet NSW infrastructure and the errors related to the coordinate values of the survey control marks in SCIMS.

The testing was completed by observing 20 permanent survey control marks in two test network locations. The data collection made use of the CORSnet NSW infrastructure and a Trimble R6 GNSS rover. The observations of the survey control marks were undertaken using two different GNSS survey techniques, rapid static and single base RTK. For the rapid static data collection component a 10 minute occupation time was utilised. The single base RTK used a 2 minute occupation time with each survey control mark reoccupied to generate a level of redundancy.

The CORSnet NSW infrastructure provides very accurate and reliable coordinate information across both of the test networks. The rapid static techniques produced the most accurate coordinate values which was to be expected. The use of single base RTK provides a very efficient and accurate data collection tool. Although not as accurate and reliable as rapid static the single base still produced satisfactory coordinate values.

From this research it could be concluded that the majority of the errors present in the collected data for the two test networks can be classified as user generated. Most of the errors present can be attributed to the GNSS equipment used. The CORSnet NSW infrastructure was not able to provide coordinate values accurate enough to conclusively state the level of errors in the Survey Control Network. This research is useful for determining and developing an understanding of the possible errors related to the use of the CORSnet NSW infrastructure.

Statistics for USQ ePrint 40857
Statistics for this ePrint Item
Item Type: USQ Project
Item Status: Live Archive
Additional Information: Bachelor of Spatial Science (Honours) (Surveying)
Faculty/School / Institute/Centre: Historic - Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences - School of Civil Engineering and Surveying (1 Jul 2013 - 31 Dec 2021)
Supervisors: Smith, Jessica
Date Deposited: 07 Sep 2022 04:11
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2022 04:11
Uncontrolled Keywords: Survey Control Information Management System (SCIMS); CORSnet New South Wales; infrastructure
URI: https://sear.unisq.edu.au/id/eprint/40857

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