Investigation on the management and maintenance of engineering assets of the biomedical industry

Devi, Ashtika (2017) Investigation on the management and maintenance of engineering assets of the biomedical industry. [USQ Project]


Biomedical engineering is defined as a discipline that improves human health through the integration of engineering and biomedical sciences as well as clinical practices. Australia was ranked fifth in the world in regard to biotechnology innovation and raised AUD$3.4 billion in revenue during 2015-2016, where the figures are forecasted to reach AUD$8.7 billion by 2021.

The biomedical engineering industry is growing at a rapid rate in Australia therefore it is vital that there are consistent frameworks implemented to ensure the success of the industry. The main focus of this project is to assess the current asset management practices in the biomedical field with a view to provide recommendations for a standardised framework.

The research conducted highlights the gap in asset management frameworks in the biomedical industry. It is hoped that the development of a standardised framework will help show companies within the industry that company work structures can be implemented within the framework as well as other factors such as risk management systems.

To successfully complete the research project, an extensive literature review was conducted as well as an anonymised survey to gather professional opinions on this subject. The literature review showed the lack of frameworks available for the biomedical engineering field however multiple frameworks were found in regards to health and local government sectors.

The data obtained from the survey validated the assumptions determined throughout the literature review as well as allowing to determine what factors should be implemented in a framework. The survey also allowed to understand the demographic of the individuals and therefore provides a strong indication the information provided in the dissertation to be reliable.

The findings of this project has the potential to lead to a development of a standardised framework which would ultimately lead to designing a standardised framework for the biomedical engineering industry in Australia.

Statistics for USQ ePrint 40924
Statistics for this ePrint Item
Item Type: USQ Project
Item Status: Live Archive
Additional Information: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical)
Faculty/School / Institute/Centre: Historic - Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences - School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (1 Jul 2013 - 31 Dec 2021)
Supervisors: Thorpe, David
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2022 03:10
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2023 01:49
Uncontrolled Keywords: biomedical; engineering assets; asset management frameworks

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