A framework-free grammatical analysis of English sentence and auxiliary verb patterns for use in ESL education

Foley, Peter (2013) A framework-free grammatical analysis of English sentence and auxiliary verb patterns for use in ESL education. Coursework Masters thesis, University of Southern Queensland. (Unpublished)

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This qualitative research arose out of my personal difficulties with understanding contemporary descriptions of Standard English sentence and auxiliary verb patterns and with explaining these descriptions to my ESL students. The research addressed the question: How can the knowledge that we possess about sentence and auxiliary verb patterns be presented more efficiently and simply for ESL students? The outcome of this research was the creation of a model that highlights the similarities and differences between syntactical sentence and auxiliary verb patterns and uses everyday language to explain the semantics of these patterns.

Statistics for USQ ePrint 41380
Statistics for this ePrint Item
Item Type: Thesis (Non-Research) (Coursework Masters)
Item Status: Live Archive
Additional Information: Master of Learning and Development thesis.
Faculty/School / Institute/Centre: Historic - Faculty of Education (Up to 30 Jun 2013)
Supervisors: Adcock, Betty; Austin, Gavin
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2021 03:31
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2022 01:38
Uncontrolled Keywords: English sentence patterns; auxiliary verb patterns; English as a Second Language students; ESL students
Fields of Research (2008): 20 Language, Communication and Culture > 2003 Language Studies > 200302 English Language
20 Language, Communication and Culture > 2003 Language Studies > 200303 English as a Second Language
Fields of Research (2020): 47 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 4703 Language studies > 470306 English as a second language
47 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 4703 Language studies > 470307 English language
URI: https://sear.unisq.edu.au/id/eprint/41380

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