Investigation into the effect of partial cement replacement with waste ceramic powder on the brick-mortar bond

Visser, Tyson (2020) Investigation into the effect of partial cement replacement with waste ceramic powder on the brick-mortar bond. [USQ Project]

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Cement is the most ubiquitous construction material worldwide due to its abundant use as the primary bonding agent in mortars and concretes, and is believed to be responsible for approximately 7% of CO2 emissions globally. With cement production more than doubling since the turn of the century, increasing concerns surrounding climate change and global warming have emphasised the need to explore more sustainable materials and practices in the construction industry. This research project aims to experimentally investigate the effect of partial cement replacement with waste ceramic powder (WCP) on bond strength at the brick-mortar interface.

Large quantities of waste ceramic material are produced through building demolition and from ceramic manufacturing by-products, causing significant negative impacts on the environment and increasing landfill burdens. WCP has been identified as a potential supplementary cementitious material to reduce carbon emissions associated with cement production, while simultaneously providing an alternative use for wastes and by-products that would otherwise be discarded as landfill. Past research on this topic has focused on assessing compression strength, with further investigation needed into the bond strength between bricks and WCP mortars, to better assess the suitability and feasibility of WCP mortar use in building construction.

WCP was produced from two independent sources of ceramic construction waste. Nine mortars of varying WCP replacement percentages were mixed and used in the construction of masonry couplets. The bond wrench method outlined in AS3700:2018 was used to assess the bond strength of each mortar at 7-day and 28-day curing durations.

This research project has identified that the partial replacment of cement with WCP does create changes in bond strength at the brick-mortar interface. There were significant decreases in bond strength in the higher replacement percentage rates, linked to perimeter separation of the bond, reducing the effective bond area likely due to mortar shrinkage with rapid drying. WCP inclusion also caused significant changes in bond strength development, especially in WCP percentages greater than 20%.

Statistics for USQ ePrint 43023
Statistics for this ePrint Item
Item Type: USQ Project
Item Status: Live Archive
Faculty/School / Institute/Centre: Historic - Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences - School of Health and Wellbeing (1 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2021)
Supervisors: Lokuge, Weena
Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil)
Date Deposited: 11 Aug 2021 05:54
Last Modified: 26 Jun 2023 04:54

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