Comparison of Vertical Positional Uncertainties between AUSGeoid09 and AUSGeoid2020 in South East Queensland

Beavis, Callum (2019) Comparison of Vertical Positional Uncertainties between AUSGeoid09 and AUSGeoid2020 in South East Queensland. [USQ Project]


This research project has investigated the change between AUSGeoid09 & AUSGeoid2020 with respect to their associated vertical positional uncertainties in South East Queensland. It has also determined a method of assigning vertical PU to an existing survey mark AHD value. This research project is essential in understanding the AUSGeoid2020 survey product, as the precision of the geoid has a broad influence on Australian communities ranging from civil infrastructure, residential and commercial industries. Thinking about the future of surveying in Australia, the accuracy of GNSS technology and its connection to AHD is fundamental to the development of infrastructure.

Through a background literature review it was found that AUSGeoid09 had an estimated vertical PU of ±0.05m (1 sigma) at the time of its realisation. Investigation into 27 survey marks located across SEQ, AUSGeoid2020 produced an average of ±0.087m (1 sigma). The increase of ±0.037m (1 sigma) between the two AUSGeoids, was determined to be resulting from the increased input data into the new AUSGeoid2020 at the time of its realisation. This suggests that original estimates of the vertical PU for AUSGeoid09 were overly optimistic.

Investigation into a method of assigning vertical PU to existing survey marks was conducted. This method showed some practical applications but has relied heavily on assumptions regarding original survey techniques applied at the time of the survey marks installation. This denotes that this method is limited to an educated estimate of the real vertical PU of each survey mark investigated.

Further research can be undertaken on the precision of AUSGeoid2020, once technical documentation relating to how the rigorous vertical PU is calculated according to location becomes available. Also, additional research is required to be completed regarding the Australia Vertical Working Surface (AVWS) and its implications that will benefit the surveying industry.

Statistics for USQ ePrint 43099
Statistics for this ePrint Item
Item Type: USQ Project
Item Status: Live Archive
Faculty/School / Institute/Centre: Historic - Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences - School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (1 Jul 2013 - 31 Dec 2021)
Supervisors: Gibbings, Peter
Qualification: Bachelor of Spatial Science (Honours)
Date Deposited: 16 Aug 2021 23:54
Last Modified: 26 Jun 2023 05:43

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