Optimisation for the Positioning of the Proposed Eurobodalla Southern Storage Future Water Treatment Plant

Parker, Brent Alexander (2019) Optimisation for the Positioning of the Proposed Eurobodalla Southern Storage Future Water Treatment Plant. [USQ Project]

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The importance of a safe and secure water supply is self-evident, as water is essential to sustain life. Australia is known as the driest inhabited continent on Earth and consequently has the highest volume of stored water per capita, emphasising the significance of water infrastructure management and planning. This involves long term integrated strategic planning to determine what infrastructure is required, in what capacity, and where it should be built to meet the demands of all water users.

Integrated planning has shown additional storage is required within the Eurobodalla shire by 2023. Consequently, the Eurobodalla Southern Storage (ESS) was identified as the preferred solution and proposed to be located adjacent the Tuross River and existing Southern Water Treatment Plant. The concept design for the ESS was completed in 2016, which included a preliminary siting assessment for a new water treatment plant (WTP) required post 2030. The concept also identified a water pumping station (WPS) is required to transfer stored water from the ESS to the new WTP and a second to transfer treated water from the new WTP to an existing reservoir for integration into the existing water reticulation network.

Building on the work previously undertaken within the concept, 11 possible positions for the new WTP were identified within a predetermined set of site constraints and assumptions, which included location, pipe properties, water characteristics, and flowrates. A robust model was custom-built using Microsoft Excel to evaluate the hydraulic differences that resulted from each position. These outputs were then converted into monetary terms for net present value analysis. Evaluation of 121 scenarios was executed which included comparison of multiple operating levels within the ESS to determine the optimum position. A knowledge gap was found to exist within recent academic literature on studies for determining the costs of WPSs reinforcing the need for documented academic research to increase the body of knowledge, available in this space for future water resource planners and engineers.

The hydraulic results were as expected with friction and minor losses having minimal impact in comparison to the static head. The NPV analysis was then undertaken for capex, opex and the combined total to determine the optimum solution. The optimal solution recorded the lowest values for the maximum, third quartile, median, second quartile and minimum NPV for all operating levels modelled. These results were found to be a direct outcome from economies of scale, due to the commonality of WPSs within the range of 100 to 1000 kilo-Watts for installed reducing the costs over a 25-year planning horizon.

The outcomes of this project were achieved by determining the lowest cost solution as the optimal position for the future proposed WTP with long term benefit in potential savings for ESC ratepayers from a million dollars upward with the added value of a working hydraulic model with supporting documentation for future investigations to aid water planners and decision-makers alike.

Statistics for USQ ePrint 43186
Statistics for this ePrint Item
Item Type: USQ Project
Item Status: Live Archive
Faculty/School / Institute/Centre: Historic - Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences - School of Civil Engineering and Surveying (1 Jul 2013 - 31 Dec 2021)
Supervisors: Baillie, Justine
Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Environmental)
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2021 23:50
Last Modified: 26 Jun 2023 23:01
URI: https://sear.unisq.edu.au/id/eprint/43186

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