SICK vs Intrinsic

Donnelly, Adam John (2022) SICK vs Intrinsic. [USQ Project]

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ENG4112 - Adam Donnelly - 0061057355 - SICK vs Intrinsic_Redacted.pdf

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This paper compares and contrasts the SICK and Intrinsic vision systems in order to identify which system James Hardie, Carole Park should invest in long term, to identify surface defects on their fibre cement boards. Currently surface defects are identified by operators standing by conveyor belts and visually inspecting the sheets as they pass by at high speeds. This method of quality inspection leaves James Hardy open to human error. Operators can be distracted or preoccupied while trying to maintain the general running of the machine or carrying out their other duties required by their position. It also leaves the quality checks up to interpretation by each individual operator resulting in different interpretations of the same quality criteria as set by James Hardies specifications.

After assessing the various methods of surface defect detection within engineering industries, it was found that an optical based machine vision system would be the most suitable for trials at James Hardie. SICK and Intrinsic were both chosen as businesses who can offer suitable trial systems for installation and implementation for such systems. The SICK system has been installed with successful trials conducted proving that the provided system can identify surface defects such as lumps, dents and debris within the accuracies outlined by the James Hardies specifications. The Intrinsic system is yet to be installed and as such a thorough and final comparison between the two systems has not been made. This dissertation highlights the important learnings from the SICK installation and identifies some key considerations for future decision-making between the two systems.

Statistics for USQ ePrint 51858
Statistics for this ePrint Item
Item Type: USQ Project
Item Status: Live Archive
Faculty/School / Institute/Centre: Current – Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences - School of Engineering (1 Jan 2022 -)
Supervisors: Lobsey, Craig; Andem, Mikael
Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic)
Date Deposited: 18 Jun 2023 23:45
Last Modified: 20 Jun 2023 01:02
Uncontrolled Keywords: SICK; Intrinsic vision systems; James Hardie

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