Comparative properties of epoxy/sawdust composites with palm oil cured by microwave and thermal treatment

Donald, Michael Craig (2010) Comparative properties of epoxy/sawdust composites with palm oil cured by microwave and thermal treatment. [USQ Project]


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[Abstract]: This project looks at the flexural and thermal properties of composites that have renewable resources as fillers and additives, there is also a comparison between
different post curing techniques. The renewable resources that have been analysed are palm oil and sawdust and the post curing techniques are conventionally and with a microwave.

Increasing pressure from environmental groups and the government have encouraged companies to investigate using renewable resources in all areas of their industry. This
project investigates the relationships which renewable resources produce as a result of different amounts and sizes of fillers and additives.

The three point loading test was used to measure the flexural properties, the Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) testing machine tested the thermal properties and the microscope was used to analyse the level of adhesion between fillers and epoxy.

The results indicated that the plasticizing effect of the palm oil reduced the flexural stress and flexural modulus of the samples, while the strain increased with increasing
amounts of palm oil. The flexural stress and flexural strain decreased with the increasing size of the sawdust particles, although the size of the sawdust particles had a
minimal effect on the flexural modulus. The amount of sawdust added marginally reduced the peak flexural stress of the samples, and the strain and flexural modulus was
not affected by increasing amounts of sawdust. The amount and size of sawdust particles, as well as amount of palm oil does not affect the thermal properties of the epoxy composite. The only significant difference between samples is the affect the post curing technique: conventional post cured samples exhibited a higher glass transition temperature.

In terms of flexural and thermal properties, natural fillers and additives represent an alternative to traditional fillers and additives, although there is a large amount of study that can be done to further improve the results. This research provides the basis for future study into the manufacturing and use of renewable fillers and additives in composites.

Statistics for USQ ePrint 18656
Statistics for this ePrint Item
Item Type: USQ Project
Refereed: No
Item Status: Live Archive
Faculty/School / Institute/Centre: Historic - Faculty of Engineering and Surveying - Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (Up to 30 Jun 2013)
Supervisors: Ku, Harry; Cardona, Francisco
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2011 04:13
Last Modified: 03 Jul 2013 00:33
Uncontrolled Keywords: palm oil; sawdust; microwaves; epoxy composite; flexural modulus; materials testing
Fields of Research (2008): 09 Engineering > 0912 Materials Engineering > 091202 Composite and Hybrid Materials
Fields of Research (2020): 40 ENGINEERING > 4016 Materials engineering > 401602 Composite and hybrid materials

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