How might an underground working environment effect laser scan data when assessing Joint Roughness Coefficient, and is it feasible to use a mobile platform?

Braddon, Megan (2019) How might an underground working environment effect laser scan data when assessing Joint Roughness Coefficient, and is it feasible to use a mobile platform? [USQ Project]

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This dissertation investigated the capabilities of a phase shift scanner when used to assess the joint roughness coefficient (JRC) of rock surfaces to gain an understanding of:
• the effects close distance-to-object range and scanner speed combinations would have on point cloud density,
• what point cloud density was needed to conduct a JRC assessment from point cloud data,
• the effects of changes in the tunnel environment on the point cloud data including light and dark environments,
• the effects of an amber flashing light and the effects of airborne dust, and
• was it feasible to use these findings with a mobile platform in future studies?

This process helped to answer the question of how a underground working environment might affect laser scan data when assessing JRC, and was it feasible to use a mobile platform? Targets were selected that represented four different JRC grades and variables were selected that could be used in future studies into using mobile laser scanning (MLS) techniques for assessing geotechnical features such as the JRC. A close distance-to-object range was used to simulate the distance a vehicle may travel off of a tunnel wall for conducting an MLS in future studies. A basic guide to a terrestrial laser scan (TLS) station setup was established. From this the effects of the distance-to-object range and scanner speeds were analysed to see at what point a suitable point cloud density could be achieved. A standard deviation range for the point cloud data was established, the environmental conditions were then assessed for their impact on the point cloud data relative to the standard deviation. It was found that a point cloud density of 2mm was required to accurately obtain JRC. Within the environmental conditions, only airborne dust had a significant effect on the scans; however, there was scope for future studies into the effects of different flashing lights on different scanners and to review if there was a correlation between the distance-to-object range in dark conditions on the standard deviation results. When considering using a mobile platform for the same task at this stage, it is not feasible as further studies into variables affecting MLS techniques need to be assessed. This dissertation provides a foundation for moving forward into future studies for conducting geotechnical assessments from laser scan data within a working tunnel environment with a long-term view of using MLS techniques.

Statistics for USQ ePrint 43178
Statistics for this ePrint Item
Item Type: USQ Project
Item Status: Live Archive
Faculty/School / Institute/Centre: Historic - Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences - School of Civil Engineering and Surveying (1 Jul 2013 - 31 Dec 2021)
Supervisors: Gharineiat, Zahra
Qualification: Bachelor of Spatial Science (Honours) (Surveying)
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2021 01:16
Last Modified: 26 Jun 2023 05:51

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