Comparison between robotic total station reflector-less measurement and terrestrial laser scanning for building modelling

Copley, Matthew Kevin (2019) Comparison between robotic total station reflector-less measurement and terrestrial laser scanning for building modelling. [USQ Project]

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This project intends to test the accuracy of both a terrestrial three-dimensional laser scanner and a total station with reflector-less measurement for accurately positioning and creating 3D building models. The instruments that were used for this project are a FARO Focus 3D S series 120 terrestrial laser scanner and a Trimble S7 total station.

Laser scanning technology has the ability to increase the efficiency of the way surveyors complete conventional survey task. The total station, until recent years has been used for capturing the positions of buildings. The field testing for this project was completed on a two-story rectangular building at Concannon college in Toowoomba. A control network was established and measurements from both instruments captured from the same positions to control the variables. The project compares the differences between the points captured on the walls, eaves and gutters by both methods of measurement.

The results from the data capture were processed using terramodel and Autodesk for the total station data and FARO Scene for the laser scanning data. Using the data, two 3D models were produced. The 3D model that was developed from the reflector-less measurements was a simple wireframe model created by connecting all the captured points. It showed the external wall brick face, gutter and eave positions. The model created in FARO Scene was made up of 525 million points and produced a detailed model of the building and all its surrounding features. It was found that there was an average difference between the two models in easting of 9.8mm, northing of 10.4mm and elevation of 10.7mm. The distance difference between the two models was calculated to be 17.9mm.

It was recommended that the laser scanner be used for completing projects where three-dimensional modelling of buildings is required. This was recommended because of the substantial point cloud that can be acquired efficiently compared to the total station’s reflector-less measurement. It was also noted that the accuracy of the laser scanner was less of that of the total station. For projects with high accuracy requirements, the total station data should be incorporated into the 3D model.

Statistics for USQ ePrint 43176
Statistics for this ePrint Item
Item Type: USQ Project
Item Status: Live Archive
Faculty/School / Institute/Centre: Historic - Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences - School of Civil Engineering and Surveying (1 Jul 2013 - 31 Dec 2021)
Supervisors: Zhang, Zhenyu
Qualification: Bachelor of Spatial Science (Honours) (Surveying)
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2021 00:55
Last Modified: 26 Jun 2023 22:20

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