Browse by Fields of Research (ANZSRC 2008)

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Number of items at this level: 83.

King, Matthew (2016) An investigation into the potential benefit/value of Ipswich CBD residential revitalisation. [USQ Project]

Dhakal, Bibek (2016) A trade-based approach for defects management in residential construction. [USQ Project]

Stainwall, Haren (2016) Analysis of culverts during extreme flood events. [USQ Project]

Richardson, Megan (2016) Analysis of road crashes at roundabouts in Toowoomba. [USQ Project]

Milton, Ross (2016) Analysis of road safety trends at signalised intersections in Toowoomba. [USQ Project]

Carson, Bradley (2016) Analysis of wall formwork in the Australian multi-storey construction industry. [USQ Project]

Watson, Liam Douglas (2016) Asset condition monitoring of Gympie regional council’s road network. [USQ Project]

Lazzarini, Sarah-Jane (2016) Development stages of a road management strategy suitable to the Burdekin shire. [USQ Project]

Cuckson, Christopher (2016) Effectiveness of the Wide Centreline Treatment on two-way rural roads. [USQ Project]

James, Jake (2016) Evaluation of the use of safety barriers on roundabouts. [USQ Project]

Farahbakhsh, Iman (2016) Finite element modelling of a sustainable hybrid natural fibre sandwich panel under bending. [USQ Project]

McLinden, Joshua (2016) Functional design report: Corry’s road sewerage augmentation. [USQ Project]

Smith, Benjamin James (2016) Identifying best practice pavement design for an unsealed road network to achieve sustainability improvements. [USQ Project]

Mear, Benjamin (2016) Improving design standards for passing lanes on rural highways in Queensland. [USQ Project]

Williams, Alexander (2016) Improving Queensland speed zoning practices. [USQ Project]

Richardson, Joseph (2016) Improving the transition of a successful tender from estimating to project management phases. [USQ Project]

Tippett-Whiteman, Austin (2016) Integrating scheduling with quality to minimise defects in construction. [USQ Project]

Rosnell, Alexander (2016) Investigating design and construction issues for precast concrete bridge over Bookookoorara creek. [USQ Project]

Chou Pei-Chen, Peggy (2016) Investigation of scour mitigation methods for critical road structures. [USQ Project]

Taylor, David (2016) Modelling supply channel seepage and analysing the effectiveness mitigation options. [USQ Project]

Russell, Stephen (2016) Review of shared zones as a solution to grade and space restrictive residential streets. [USQ Project]

Cohen, Jethro (2016) Review of timber bridge maintenance practices on Queensland state controlled road networks. [USQ Project]

Adams, Justin Mitchell (2016) Risk management in the construction of communication towers. [USQ Project]

Petersen, David (2016) Studying the effects of non-uniform stress distributions on soil heave. [USQ Project]

Poulton, Ashley (2016) The effect of resurfacing on the lateral resistance of narrow gauge low profile concrete sleepers. [USQ Project]

Pease, Adam (2016) The impacts construction traffic has on pavements within residential subdivisions. [USQ Project]

Patterson, Melanie (2015) Building Information Modelling: an explorative study. [USQ Project]

Price, David (2015) Sustainable road development and management. [USQ Project]

Alsinan, Abdulaziz (2015) Conductivity of wall materials based on natural fiber. [USQ Project]

Linnan, Nicholas (2015) Creating a performance management system for contractors to assess subcontractors. [USQ Project]

Labrosse, Alexander (2015) Progress towards sustainable road construction – An investigation into the Roads and Maritime Services of New South Wales and Sustainability Rating Tools. [USQ Project]

Knipe, Russell Alexander (2014) 3D fluid modelling of the O.O. Madsen Bridge during flood. [USQ Project]

Liddell, Benjamin Steven (2014) Assessing the true cost of design variations – a designer’s perspective. [USQ Project]

Clayton, Scott (2014) Lateral earth pressure problems involved with cantilever retaining structures and stability of those structures. [USQ Project]

Watson, George Kenneth (2014) Measurement of waste in concrete construction using lean construction methodologies. [USQ Project]

Light, Brenton (2014) Terrestrial laser scanning for building information modelling (BIM) development and application. [USQ Project]

Jenaway, Brett (2013) Evolution of stadiums: a study in the design and construction of ancient and modern stadia. [USQ Project]

Dinsmore, Robert Colin (2013) Investigating the impact of the Request For Information process in construction. [USQ Project]

Wilson, Paul (2011) Effectiveness of lime stabilisation on reactive soils for main roads. [USQ Project]

Delahunty, Bruce (2011) Elevated highways – a solution to Brisbane’s traffic congestion? [USQ Project]

Zeller, Karl (2011) Evaluation of the operational characteristics of heavy vehicles at signalised intersections in Queensland. [USQ Project]

Kemp, Ryan (2011) Investigates the effect of surface shear on pavements near road intersection. [USQ Project]

Davydov, Alexey (2011) Investigation of the structural failure of plywood noise barriers. [USQ Project]

Dudley, Samuel (2011) Stability of underground tunnelling using relaxation techniques. [USQ Project]

Heaton, Erin (2011) Use of vibration signature in structural health monitoring (composite/internal damages). [USQ Project]

Palmer, Matthew Alan (2010) Analysis of the feasibility of a 3D model for use in civil construction (creating a 3D model for the first span of a bridge). [USQ Project]

Stanton, Dale John (2010) Atterberg limits and their relationship to longitudinal cracking in granular pavements. [USQ Project]

Walker, Cameron (2010) Automated soil compaction machine for the preparation of Califorian bearing ratio and proctor specimens. [USQ Project]

Daly, James (2010) Design, construction and performance of buildings foundations on soft clays in the Brisbane region. [USQ Project]

Gibson, David Eric (2010) Evaluating comparative performance of various shaped bridge piers: experimental investigation of sediment transport and scouring. [USQ Project]

Frazer, Peter (2010) Relational contracting – investigation of relational contracting behaviours across various project delivery models. [USQ Project]

Turner, Alan (2010) Structural performance of cross laminated timber panels as walls. [USQ Project]

Marstella, Joseph Edward (2010) The concept, analysis and critical thinking involved in flow net theory - a project based learning approach using cofferdams. [USQ Project]

Arnold, Matthew David (2008) A two-dimensional analysis of the bearing capacity of footings near slopes. [USQ Project]

Vincec, Paul Michael (2008) Feasibility study: into the design, effectiveness & limitations of installing raingardens within an inner urban environment. [USQ Project]

Walters, Kieren A. (2008) Investigation of construction practices and test procedures for road pavements on expansive subgrades. [USQ Project]

O'May, David Victor (2007) A study of pavement performance on the Gatton Bypass Duplication. [USQ Project]

Wong Wan Sie, Winxie (2007) Analysis and design of curtain wall systems for high rise buildings. [USQ Project]

Clarke, Lauren Elizabeth (2007) Factors in the selection of contractors for engineering works. [USQ Project]

Ong, Chin How (2007) Life cycle assessment of cement in Malaysia. [USQ Project]

Wei, Lay Kian (2007) Life cycle assessment of CSR autoclaves lightweight concrete production in Malaysia. [USQ Project]

Lee, Wai Hung (2007) Shrinkage reduction of thermoset matrix particulate reinforced composites during hardening using low power microwave. [USQ Project]

Green, Christopher Ross (2007) Testing and analysis of fibre composite beams in a bridge structure. [USQ Project]

Kwok, Keen Whale (2007) Understanding progressive collapse and its effect to structural design. [USQ Project]

Klein, Lindsay Edward (2006) Finite element analysis of a composite bridge deck. [USQ Project]

Ler, Eng Loo (2006) Intelligent building automation system. [USQ Project]

Lau, Chi Hing (2006) Construction technology for high rise buildings in Hong Kong. [USQ Project]

Chan, Man Piu (2005) Analysis and modeling of grouting and its application in civil engineering. [USQ Project]

Prasser, Mark (2005) Durability of hybrid concrete-FRP bridge decks. [USQ Project]

Grant, Robert Kenneth (2005) A study of the ground and vegetation effects on the propagation of road traffic noise in south east Queensland. [USQ Project]

Mak, Chi Keung (2005) Benefit of partnering in the Hong Kong construction industry. [USQ Project]

Kong, Mun Kai (2005) Control of early thermal cracking of raft foundation by using slagcrete portland blast-furnace cement (PBFC). [USQ Project]

Luther, Steven (2005) Effect of existing cracks in shear strengthening of concrete girders with external post tensioning. [USQ Project]

Lim, Chuan Jye (2005) Relationship contracting in Malaysia. [USQ Project]

Harrison, Elissa Louise (2005) Road stabilisation issues in southern district of the Department of Main Roads, Queensland. [USQ Project]

Willmott, Peter (2005) Stabilisation of Goulburn Valley soils for the improvement of subgrades in new low traffic pavement construction. [USQ Project]

McDonald, Scott (2005) The behaviour of hybrid fiber composite beams. [USQ Project]

Gordon, Craig (2005) Determination of insitu flexible moduli of modified pavement materials. [USQ Project]

Lau, Chau Chin (2004) A study on concrete faced rockfill dams. [USQ Project]

Alam, Murshedul (2004) Effect of epoxy repairing on girders shear strengthened with external post tensioning. [USQ Project]

Smith, Richard Boyd (2004) Forensic investigation of pavement failures. [USQ Project]

Robertson, Jamie Andrew (2004) Optimising the operations of the Kanaka Drain floodgate. [USQ Project]

Woods, Evan Arthur (2004) Shear strengthening and model testing of concrete bridge headstocks. [USQ Project]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 13:07:09 2025 AEST.